Being (on) time - our relationship with time and temporality in organisational practice

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Birgitte Pedersen


Thinking about time as something separate to us dominates organisational practice. Identity questions, career plans, hopes and dreams for both the individual as well as the organisation are built upon a timeline, and tools and models are designed to remove the obstacles into the future. This paper’s aim is to inspire the in-house practitioner to be aware of the difference between chronology and temporality in order to include more temporal aspects into their organisational work. The right timing, readiness and attention to temporality in language are examples of indicators on the temporal forms, and it all begins by accepting that we are temporality ourselves - regardless of whether we are able to articulate or notice the forms appearing right in front of us.

Resumé (Danish)

Organisatorisk praksis i dag er præget af, at vi tænker ”tid” som uafhængigt af alt andet. Vi isolerer ”tid” på en tidslinje, og vi bygger vores spørgsmål, karriereplaner, modeller, håb og drømme for både den enkelte såvel som for organisationen op omkring denne tidslinje. Formålet med denne artikel er at inspirere den fagpro fessionelle til at tænke over og skelne mellem ”tid” som kronologi og som temporalitet, så der kan inkluderes flere temporale aspekter i det organisatoriske arbejde. Udover at skabe en opmærksomhed på sprog, parathed og den rette timing, er formålet med artiklen at pege på behovet for den fagprofessionelles indre accept af, at mennesket i sig selv en temporalitet, der former og fortolker tid – uanset om det enkelte menneske er bevidst om det eller ej.


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How to Cite
Pedersen, B. (2017). Being (on) time: - our relationship with time and temporality in organisational practice. Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice, 1(1), 18–35.

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