Becoming a Posthuman Systemic Nomad Part I: Truth and trust

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Robert Van Hennik



We live in a complex, globalised world. Everything is connected and still many of us feel detached, disconnected from other entities on earth. We might sleepwalk into a global ecological crisis and therefore we need to develop new ways of living together differently. Can we imagine an ecological response on globalisation and complexity? What difference can systemic practitioners make, a difference that makes a difference, that matters (Bateson, 1979)?  Transformation in a complex system is the emergent result of interactions between its components and its environment. We cannot predict and control inter-action between all multi-actors in a complex system. We can anticipate, improvise and learn how to learn. In this article I present a theoretical framework, inspired by Neo-Materialism, that integrates cybernetics and social-constructionism in contemporary systemic thinking. The question I ask is how to navigate complexity and offer accountability about the process of systemic learning, without getting drawn into the paradoxical spiral of control. I suggest ways in which therapists may become systemic nomads and describe how to produce "validity from within", remaining open to the unpredictable process of becoming in multi-actor networks of human and non-human generators.





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How to Cite
Van Hennik, R. (2019). Becoming a Posthuman Systemic Nomad: Part I: Truth and trust. Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice, 2(2), 70–85.